Over the past fifteen years, we’ve seen software shift from one-time licenses to subscriptions and now, to usage-based and hybrid pricing models.

As pricing models have evolved, finance, product, and engineering teams increasingly share responsibility for pricing and billing. Despite these changes, however, existing billing solutions haven’t kept up. Incumbent solutions were built for an earlier era, with high complexity and an inability to support sophisticated usage-based pricing models. There’s a significant opportunity to evolve enterprise billing with a platform that can power modern pricing.

Today, we’re excited to announce our investment in Orb, a modern billing platform enabling flexible pricing models from seat-based to usage-based and everything in between. We at Greylock are thrilled to lead the Seed round in Orb, and continue our close support of the company in their Series A led by Menlo Ventures.

Orb offers enterprises an end-to-end revenue workflow solution so teams across the organization—including the C-suite—can collaborate on pricing decisions. The platform enables enterprises to iteratively experiment with pricing, customize any pricing plan, and gain actionable insights from real-time customer usage. It’s built by developers for developers, with strong ease-of use, self-serve-ability, and time to value.

Orb’s co-founders Alvaro Morales (CEO) and Kshitij Grover (CTO) understand the importance of the right billing infrastructure in enabling or hindering a company’s pricing and packaging evolution. While helping build Asana from the early stages through its successful IPO, they saw this infrastructure built firsthand, and recognized the impact it had in enabling Asana’s go-to-market evolution. Alvaro and Kshitij founded Orb to bring this robust billing infrastructure to every modern technology company.

While Orb officially launches today, the company has quietly powered billing for scaling modern companies like Airbyte, Dune, Method, Neon, and Materialize. We’re thrilled to back this team and continue supporting Orb in their mission to provide every business the infrastructure to unlock their revenue. If you’re interested in helping empower the next generation of software businesses, consider joining the Orb team—they are hiring.


Saam Motamedi

Saam partners with enterprise software entrepreneurs at the seed and early stages who are focused on new opportunities in intelligent applications, cybersecurity, AI, and data infrastructure.

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